Guide for authors

Scientific papers should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines.
The following types of contribution are published:

  1. Review paper - a comprehensive synthesis of the existing literature on a particular topic. It provides a critical evaluation of the current state of knowledge, identifying trends, gaps, and inconsistencies in the research. It does not present new experimental data but rather analyses and interprets previously published research.
  2. Article - material presenting the results of original research of a/an empirical, theoretical, technical or analytical nature. The material presents the current state of knowledge, the research methodology, the course of the research process and its results, as well as conclusions. It also includes references to the literature cited, as well as to general and polemic texts. The maximum allowable length is 15 pages.
  3. Report - a short text presenting the results of experiments and/or fragments of ongoing research, which signals its continuation. It contains the research methodology, the course of the research process and its results, as well as conclusions. It also includes references to the literature cited. The maximum allowable length is 8 pages.

The Editorial Board accepts unpublished scientific papers only. The authors are fully responsible for the contents of the scientific papers. The corresponding author, acting on behalf of all contributors, must disclose any financial or personal relationships with individuals or organizations that could potentially bias their work. Prior to submitting a manuscript for consideration, authors should acquaint themselves with Research Ethics Policy. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make terminological/language changes within the paper.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject any scientific text without giving substantiation, if it is thematically unsuited, lacks quality or presents the results incorrectly.

Paper preparation manual

All articles submitted for publication in the journal should be written in English.
The paper template can be downloaded here: WOOD_paper_template.docx
The article should be submitted using the Editorial System online.
The submission of manuscripts is free of charge.

Article structure

Concise and informative.

Up to 250 words, general information on the subject matter, methods and the results of the research.

Provide a maximum of 4-8 keywords.

Short substantiation of the significance/selection of the subject matter, the aim of the research.

Material and methods
In economic texts: "Research methodology" including concise description of the research subject and methods.

Results and Discussion
In economic texts: "Results of the research" (according to issues); description of the research results and discussion, with presentation of the importance of the results in light of the latest global scientific achievements.

Concise summary of the research results, suggestions as to lines of further research).

The graphic part (tables and figures) should be in the form of separate files.

1. placement of the file should be marked in the text
2. figures (charts, photographs, diagrams, maps etc.) - captions under the figures (as short as possible), numbered using Arabic numerals
3. tables - titles above the table (as short as possible), numbered using Arabic numerals, formatted in accordance with the instructions in the file
4. source should be placed under the graphics
5. reference to figures and tables in the text - Fig. 4, Table 1
6. mathematical equations - centre justified, equation numbering in parentheses, i.e. (1), (2) ... right justified
7. units of measurement - according to the International System (SI)

Information on the sources of finance, thanks to collaborators etc.

Citation in text and Reference style
Citation and References in the journal should be compliant with APA rules.
Guidance on APA Style is available on the APA Style website.
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